Gold Map 1:1 Imaginative Coaching Session

Gold Map 1:1 Imaginative Coaching Session


Grow in Awareness.

Gold Map is a 90-minute, 1-on-1 imaginative coaching experience, customized to you and self-directed at your pace and your own will. In the same way miners prospect for gold by using gold maps to help them find treasure, our Gold Map sessions are meant to help you find what you need to move forward, whether it is a solution, a strategy, a plan, or a deeper understanding about who you are.

You’re the miner, I just help to create a safe space for us to explore and experiment and make sure we’re moving at the right pace. We start by zooming out and taking a survey of past and current circumstances. Then we enter into a visualization or two or three. When we find some key clues in our journey, we zoom in and dig deeper to get to the root of your questions. Every so often, we’ll come out of the visualization journeys or personalized activities to debrief and discuss what was seen so I can help you interpret the meaning of the clues. At times, I pull in other methods in coaching and creativity to help you think outside of the box. Let’s go on a treasure hunt of the mind, body, heart and soul.

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